
Dylan Kuenzi, co-founder of Werewolf Ranch, grew up in the San Francisco bay area of California. From a young age, he was inspired by his grandfather, a stalwart geologist and  gardener. While all of Dylan's siblings and cousins  ran around playing, Dylan stood patiently at his grandpa's side, observing him and absorbing knowledge about the natural world.

Dylan has carried that strong connection to the natural world with him through his studies in environmental science, herbalism, and now, as he tends to his flocks and gardens. Dylan manages the gardens at Werewolf Ranch with a green thumb and a deep love for helping things grow.  He is especially interested in the cultivation of rare, slow-growing medicinal plants. When Dylan isn't farming he enjoys running through the woods with wolves, indulging in fine meads, and listening to loud metal music.


Jacqui, Werewolf Ranch's other half, hails from unexpected roots. She grew up on the beaches of southern California as far away from a farm life as one could be. From a young age she felt passionately about wildlife conservation, which lead her to the study of zoology at the Unversity of California at Santa Barbara.  From there she pursued a career in conservation and worked with various wildlife conservation NGO's.

In 2015 Jacqui decided to concentrate her efforts more locally by practicing conservation and regenerative agriculture in her home of California. She believes that happiness and health begin with a connection to the land, and she hopes to share that with visitors of the ranch. Jacqui manages the B&B, event center, and orchards.

In her free time she likes to spend time bird watching, cheese making, and exploring Northern California's wilderness with her pup Lola.